Steve Cockayne
Hi, Thanks for looking me up.
This is a very basic website to give you an idea what I can do and have done during my long career.
I have been a Chartered Engineer, as of February 2022, for 31 years. The last few have been very difficult for all of us. However we are still here and there is work to do.
If you have a project you need structural engineering advice on then perhaps it's best if you just give me a call on the numbers provided.
It can be small i.e. one beam, I do lots of small jobs, It can medium - I do some of those, some Industrial modifications but large jobs, I just do not have the resource for and in any case it would be unfair of me to take work from struggling large engineering practices!
I'd usually suggest other reputable companies but it's easier if you simply look up www.findanengineer.com. it has a good search filter.
However, I always have time for a brief chat on something tricky and rarel.